What's the difference between a Forum and a Project?

What's the difference between a Catalyst project and Member Project?

How do I join a Project?

How do I leave a project?

The ability to resign from a project is available.  Simply click to the project home and click the RESIGN button to leave the project.  You will no longer have access to the project and will no longer receive automated emails regarding the project. 

What is the commitment when I join a project?

The commitment when you join a project depends on your role.  Several types of participation roles exist and are outlined below:

Chair/Co-Chair (For more on Team Leaders, see: Chair/Co-Chair role):

Workstream Chair/Co-Chair:


Can I start a new project?

How can I become a Chair/Co-Chair of a Member Project?

Where can I find TM Forum templates for deliverables?

I have a question that wasn't answered in this FAQ?